Standing in a theatre lobby (preCOVID), I overheard some young cast members engaged in a conversation. They were sharing their mutual admiration for a more experienced fellow actor who refused[…]
Tag: Communication
My older son has been urging me to write a blog for years. At first I resisted because frankly, I didn’t like the word blog. It sounds like something that[…]
Previously I wrote that words are powerful. After thinking about that statement, I would like to modify it. More accurately, words can be powerful. Words, in and of themselves, have[…]
Standing at about five foot nothing, my grandmother was a woman of few words. But her face, especially her piercing, slate blue eyes, spoke volumes. I don’t ever remember her[…]
Forty-three years ago, the high school athletic coach asked me to be the scorekeeper for the boys’ basketball and baseball teams. I spent the next few years traveling all over[…]
Years ago, when my knees were much younger, I ran four miles a day. One late-summer morning, I set off under ideal conditions – a clear sky, low humidity, and[…]