As a doctoral student at The University of Georgia in the Marriage and Family Therapy program, in 1987, it was highly recommended that I become a member of the Georgia[…]
Year: 2020
The arts school my sons attended had what is, in this day and age, a fairly uncommon situation for a public school. Most of the students were together for nine[…]
One day in 1969, the county extension agent came to my fourth-grade class to tell the girls about a 4-H sewing contest. She gave us a list of rules and[…]
When I walk my son to and from school every day, the trip takes about ten minutes each way unless there is a particularly interesting stick, rock, acorn or leaf[…]
Years ago, when my knees were much younger, I ran four miles a day. One late-summer morning, I set off under ideal conditions – a clear sky, low humidity, and[…]
The anticipation of launching a new website prompted me to wax nostalgic. Retracing my original foray, into what was at the time a revolutionary new frontier called the internet, was[…]