

The first step in doing anything is believing you can!


At the Door

Welcome! So glad you stopped by. This site is devoted to sharing my passion for all things home and family. I know. I know. You’re probably thinking that covers a lot of territory. You’re absolutely right. It covers just about everything including the kitchen sink. And that’s exactly what you’ll find here…anything pertaining to home and family examined from my personal perspective as to how it impacts our efforts to create A HeARTful Home. 


Across the Threshold


Meet Your Host

Greetings!  I’m your host, Carolyn Waterbury-Tieman.  I’m delighted you’re here. This site is the result of my lifelong fascination with interpersonal relationships.  At 64 years of age, the middle of three daughters, married for nearly 40 years, mother of two adult sons, with a daughter-by-love, an infant grandson, an aging father, and a deceased mother, I have learned that there is always more to know when it comes to making the most of the best of ourselves and our families.  The more we know, the more we can do. I look forward to sharing and exchanging thoughts, feelings, and ideas with you as we aspire to create A HeARTful Home.


Front Porch Posts

Front porch sittin’ has always been one of my favorite pastimes.  Whether with family, friends, or alone, there is something about being outside that seems to open my mind.  It is here where I often discover new ways of thinking about life.  So this is where you will find the most recent posts prompted by my front porch musings.

Spring Forth Hope

During the cold, dreary days of winter, a popular childhood pastime was listening to records.  (For those of you too young to remember, records were flat, black, vinyl discs upon which sound had been recorded and was released when a diamond-tipped needle passed over the grooves as the record spun on a turntable at either 33⅓ or 45 rotations per minute.)  Our record cabinet was stocked with albums of classical music, original Broadway cast and movie soundtrack recordings, popular artists from the 40s to the 70s, and favorite holiday tunes. In addition, there was a treasured collection of Disneyland storytime classics such as Bambi, Cinderella, Snow White, and other fairy tales.  These were not recordings of the Disney, full-length, animated, feature films.  They were abbreviated versions, on 45s, told by a narrator with various performers providing the voices for the different characters.  Catchy songs, unique to these recordings, such as “Cindy-Cinderella went to the ball, Cindy-Cinderella loveliest of all,” and “Pinoc-, Pinoc-, Pinocchio, we’ll find you if we have to go to Tokyo,” were frequently sung, hummed, or whistled in our house. 


Between You and Me

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